BSB carries breastpumps for sale and rental to best suit your needs. We carry several different brands of electric breastpumps; there is a variety to fit every lifestyle and budget.
Not only do we carry pumps, but we carry parts for all major brands and provide cleaning and refurbishing for breastpumps. Very frequently we will get moms who call for us to check their suction or to clean their pump before they use it for their next baby. We are happy to help you select the pump that will suit your needs the best.
We also work with the insurance companies (in network Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Independent Health and Univera) to help cover the cost of your pump. Please be advised that a majority of insurance companies payments will be approximately $175.00 (most insurance companies negotiated contract prices that 100% coverage is approximately $175.00). Please call the store for additional information.

Many Classes Covered by Insurance!
Blue Cross/Blue Shield (specific Wellness Plans) offers 100% coverage of the following classes at BSB (please call for details & to register):
- Breastfeeding 101
- Successful Pumping
- Childbirth Education