BSB offers a wide variety of services to our clients and customers.
Lactation Consultations
Lactation Consultations are available in our comfortable store in a private setting and usually scheduled on the same day. Follow-ups are free! Please call the store at 716.681.8100 for more information.
Breastpump Refurbishing and Cleaning
We offer breastpump refurbishing and cleaning for all breastpumps. We can also test suction on breastpumps and carry parts for the major brands.
Free Bra Fittings
Free bra fittings by Bravado Certified Bra Fitters for pregnant and nursing moms! We have many brands and styles of nursing bras and tank tops to suit any style and size; different styles and sizes can be ordered if needed.
24/7 Phone Support Line
Have a breastfeeding question or issue at 3 a.m.? Being released from the hospital on a weekend or holiday and have questions? Polly has just about heard it all and welcomes questions from new and seasoned moms with their breastfeeding questions.
Rent Our Space!
You can rent our store space! We’ve been host to baby showers, meetings, small events and even small church services. Give us a call today to find out if the date you’re looking for is available.
Many Classes Covered by Insurance!
Blue Cross/Blue Shield (specific Wellness Plans) offers 100% coverage of the following classes at BSB (please call for details & to register):
- Breastfeeding 101
- Successful Pumping
- Childbirth Education